“There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the taber

“There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the taber
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life,(Revelation 22 : 1)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Yahweh, God Sabaoth, who is like unto Thee?

Yesterday's local newspapers were abuzz with a disheartening news about  millions of red worms swarming at the bathing ghat of River Periyar down south in Kerala.I was reminded of the plagues in River Nile in the times of Exodus! But, are we not responsible for all the pollution that we see and experience around us? What on earth is happening to the earth , we wonder. But what on earth has happened to us, human beings should be the question that should precede it. We, ourselves are the ones who spoil the good earth. We need to examine our conscience. Now that the situation has gone from bad to worse, what can we do to make a U-turn? There is only one Way, let us turn to the Creator of the Universe, let us acknowledge His power over the universe , by repeating after  the Psalmist,
    God, awesome in the assembly of holy ones,
     great and dreaded among all who surround Him
      Yahweh, God Sabaoth, who is like You?
    Mighty Yahweh, Your constancy is all around You!

   You control the pride of the ocean,
   when its waves ride high , You calm them
  You split Rahab in two like a corpse,
   Scattered Your enemies with Your mighty arm .

Yes, let us cry out to our God and plead for mercy. God alone can destroy Rahab, the monster of chaos , who was subdued at the time of creation. Subdue O Lord all the chaos that we see around us today. " Blessed are those who know Your praise. They walk in the light of Your Face. They celebrate all day Your name and Your protection lifts them up."
  Psalm 89.

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